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Rat looking for food

Roof Rat

Either black (Roof Rat) or brown (Norway Rat) in color with a length of about 13 to 18 inches long (the tail can measure 6 to 10 inches of this length). These animals can easily adapt to a wide range of environments and normally when living around mankind, they are found around warehouses and residential buildings.   While in agricultural areas they will take up residence in barns and crop fields. Living up to their names, they tend to prefer to live in dry upper levels of buildings so they are commonly found in wall cavities and false ceilings. These animals will feed on almost anything available. The females reach sexual maturity between two and five months old and can produce four to six litters per year.

A mouse in the house

House Mouse

While the color can vary, the house mouse is usually grayish. Normally about 3 to 4 inches long with a tail of equal length, this animal can gain access to your home through an opening of about ¼ inch. Usually they are herbivores, preferring cereal grains, but they will eat any type of food or scraps. They tend to store food in and around their burrows. Mice reach sexual maturity in 5-8 weeks and female mice reproduce up to 8 times annually with litters ranging from 4 to 7 pups. They can jump up about 12 inches and can leap down from a height of 12 feet without injury. The major health risk associated with the house mouse is salmonella and leptospirosis.



Droppings are a telltale sign of rodents they leave their fecal matter and urinate everywhere they go (about 50 to 75 dropping per day). Mice droppings are small, smooth and have pointed ends, usually about 1/8 to 1/4″ in length. 




As was mentioned earlier mice leave the droppings and urine just about everywhere they go.  Remember they are wild animals and that comes with a smell, a musty odor may be present inside your home no matter how hard you try to get rid of it, this could be a sign of a rodent infestation




Scratching gnawing or even squeaking sounds in the middle of the night? This may be a sign of a rodent problem mice are nocturnal but if you do see them in the day, that could be a sign of larger infestation. Rodent gnawing can be an issue particularly electrical wiring which could cause a fire.




Holes chewed in corners along baseboards, mice may chew a hole the size of a dime rats may chew a hole the size of a quarter or larger. Since rodents have oil skin they may also leave rub marks along the baseboard of their entry and exit points.

Do you have mice?



Mice and rats have plagued human developments since caveman days. These rodents have a remarkable ability to adapt and live wherever humans live, store food products, or dispose of refuse. They are well adapted to living in and around our homes and buildings; rats are good climbers, jumpers and swimmers. Mice can fit through a hole the size of your finger tip. These rodents will enter buildings in search of food, water, and shelter. They may come from nearby fields or other buildings, or they may be transported in boats, trains, trucks, or in freight and cargo.


Since rodents are small and secretive, people are often unaware that they have these animals living within their walls, attic spaces, between floors, beneath the house, or behind a cabinet. Infestations are often discovered by the tell-tale signs of rat or mouse droppings or gnawed food packages. Rodents can gnaw through just about anything using their two large incisors. Sometimes they will even chew through electrical wires and start fires.


In the fall, they seek out shelters that include human housing, commercial buildings, vehicles, or boats. Rodents can contaminate food and damage buildings and property by their constant gnawing and burrowing. They also can spread diseases to people and pets. Rodents can cause damages to structures, food stocks, and perhaps most detrimental, their presence can tarnish the reputation of a business establishment.


Affordable Pest Control Service will thoroughly inspect your home for openings which could allow mice and rats to easily access your home and then exterminate with a combination of bait, glue boards, and/or bait traps depending on the extent of the infestation.


Contact Affordable today to eliminate a rat or mouse infestation before these rodents destroy materials by gnawing, eating, and contaminating stored food. These rodents can also carry a variety of diseases that pose threats to human health.

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